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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

NYC Eat-A-Thon

Postcard for You :: Eating Champion


One week in New York is a wonderful thing. Instead of R&R, it's more like F&F (Food and Friends). It was great to see everyone at Lily and Andy's wedding on Sunday -- (link to photos). Mazal Tov to the newly married couple! I left out crazy photos of one Mr. Richard Won on purpose. Let us know if you want to claim those in the future :).

Thanks for everyone that participated in the NYC Eat-A-Thon Joe and I planned out. Joe looks like a pretty big eater in this photos above huh? I think that was the only bite he took out of the whole pancake after the waitress spilled syrup over his shorts (ouch!). But biggest eater goes out to our friend Winnie who ate with us at almost every restaurant we had reservations at. She introduced us to Sushi Yasuda which definitely goes onto the Sko and Joe New York Recommended List. Other new notable restaurants: Aburiya Kinnosuke and Mas Farmhouse

Need I mention how much shopping Joe and I did in New York. I'll save that for my girlfriends next time I see them. My proudest find was a new 'carry with me' digital camera -- a Canon Powershot SD700 (aka the lower light killah). Some of the photos from this New York Flickr photo set are from this camera.

Take care everyone in New York! Will be back in November for the New York Marathon! (Joe actually got in this year!)

All the Best,
Jetlagged and Overworked Sko and Joe

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