It's been a good February 2007...
* Sandy got promoted, and people now trust her to boss people around (I manage people now :)
* We set a date and place for a wedding (info to come!)
* We celebrated Valentine's with 15 of our closest friends in London by enjoying great Mexican food at Crazy Homies and sipping on margaritas (okay some were doing more than sipping)
* Joe and I set-up Chinese New Year dinner for our friends in London and have a group of 36 folks who would like to help us bring in the new piggie year!
I'll leave you today with a great play list of popular songs covered by well known bands/singers. Left me feeling happy :)
awesome cover list. happy new year and cheerios!
go team leader!
congrats on your promotion, sandy! make them fetch you coffee ;)
congratulations on your promotion sandy! i like gena's comment! haha... but of course your coworkers are looking at your site too!... can't wait to get the details for your wedding plans! exciting...
miss you guys!
oops, that last comment was from me...
Congrats on your promotion, Sandy! It sounds like you guys are taking some great trips. I am probably going to head to NYC in March too. Maybe we can meet up. When are you guys going? Oh, by the way, it's Jenny from Spain. =)
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